Junior Players Code of Conduct
As a player at Upwey Tecoma C.C, each player agrees to:
Play by the rules of cricket, and within the ‘Spirit of the Game’, and be a good sport.
Give their best at all times.
Treat all players, as they would like to be treated. Do not bully, interfere with or take unfair advantage of another player.
Cooperate with your coach, team-mates AND opponents. Without them, there would be no competition.
Control your temper and don’t abuse or argue with either officials or other players.
Avoid the use of derogatory language based on gender, race or ability.
Adhere to the Johnson Park Cricket Club policy for Facebook and other Social Networking sites
Treat all equipment, whether it belongs to our club, another club, or a player with care and respect. Do not take another’s equipment without permission.
Attend training regularly, and remain within the bounds of the grounds, nets and clubrooms.
Be at the clubrooms by 7.30am on each match day to receive last minute information relevant to the match.
Attend matches for which you are selected. If an absence is planned, team managers are to be informed by the training session prior to the first day of a match if the player cannot attend one or both days of play.
Behave in a manner that reflects positively on the game of cricket, the Upwey Tecoma Cricket Club and the Ferntree Gully and District Cricket Association.